We were driving north on the North Island of New Zealand, entering the Waipoua Forest that houses the largest kauri trees in the world, when we first spotted these interesting looking backpackers along the road. We were going to give them a ride, but we were too late as the car in front of us got them first.
We continued along the road inside the beautiful forest, making several stops to visit the amazing giant kauri trees. As we walked back to our car after visiting the last tree, we saw the hitchhikers again! It was their clothing style and fun attitudes that really caught my attention. The girl is from Switzerland, and she carried a sign saying NORTH with a big smile across her face. The guy is from Germany, and he was juggling 3 balls. Unfortunately we were not able to take them as we were heading back south, but they stuck in our minds as some very photogenic backpackers.
hichhiking or cycling for more than 3month
love this picture!!
on mine was written - South :)
have fun nomadic free souls