Norton's Ghost
His world thrown into doubt with the death of his father, Kyle Dearmond takes to hitchhiking, where he finds meaning, friends, and a new direction despite the chaos of the wandering road.
Into the Wild
Immediately after graduating from college in 1991, Alex roams through the West and Southwest in the United States on a vision quest.
Hand to Mouth to India
Tom wrote Hand to Mouth to India in 1997/8 at the age of 20. It tells of the journey he made hitchhiking from England to India with no money.
Hitching Rides with Buddha
Take a humorist from the Great White North — one part Bob and Doug McKenzie, the other Bill Bryson — feed him lots of sake, and set him loose hitchhiking his way through polite Japanese society.
Off The Map
A punk rock vision quest told in the tradition of the anarchist travel story, Off the Map is narrated by two young women as they discard their maps, fears, and anything resembling a plan, and set off on the winds of the world.