About Random Roads

Random Roads is a magazine about independent forms of traveling. We cover stories, photography and art about hitchhiking, sailing, hiking and cycling and yet undefined forms of independent traveling.

Submit Your work
Random Roads features many travel-stories but mostly about hitchhiking and nomadic lifestyles. We would like to encourage you very much to submit your work. Think here in terms of a story, a poem, a postcard or even a photo-story.

After you have submitted your work, your work isn't published yet. One of the editors will get in touch with you and review your article. If needed the editor will also improve the article in terms of grammar and style. All changes made are visible through a special revision tab available to logged-in users.

A Magazine In Print
One of the ideas of Random Roads is to publish our work in a printed form. The initial idea is to make this available as a magazine but we're also thinking about releasing it as a book.

Random Roads is a community driven magazine and only volunteers are behind everything we do. Our server-space, the forthcoming print-editions and other costs are covered by donations. The current volunteers are here to set up the basis for a hopefully long-lasting community-based magazine. Ideas that you have for a next printed issue or your involvement in any other way, are very welcome.

Your Role
Random Roads need writers, artists and photographers to publish their work. We also need editors who are able to change style and grammar into good English if needed and who can see what an article misses to be really good.